Sold Selling "Green Wistful Wink" (Litecoin) Read Description before purchasing

Discussion in 'Roblox Limiteds for Sale - Buy / Sell Roblox Limited' started by ElectricTankk, 12/4/21.

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  1. ElectricTankk

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    My Location:
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    This item is a limited and sells around 16k-17k Robux. The value of this limited is 20k.

    Rolimons Link:

    You can purchase this item using the buy now link.

    Buy Now Link "'Made with PlayerUp:

    Once you buy it using the buy now link at Player Up. An Admin at PlayerUp will receive the money. Once I get informed they received the money I'll send the limited to the your account and then the Player Up admin will send the money to me.


    Once you've purchased this item you have full responsibility of it. If your account gets #, compromised, beamed, etc. The limited can get stolen. If that does happen you may not receive a refund because you'll have full responsibility of it.

    Make sure you own Roblox Premium and at least one small. A small limited can be anything so I can send a trade to you so you can receive the limited.

    I'm only accepting Litecoin. It's a crypto currency. You can buy it using Litecoin using the Buy Now Link.

    Limited you'll be recieiving:

    If you're interested do not hesitate purchasing it.

    Thanks and I hope you understand. Make sure you read everything here before purchasing!

    Attached Files:

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