Selling Selling Grandmaster QL11 DPS and TANK; 3.6 aegis

Discussion in 'The Secret World Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by jelin, 4/5/17.

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  1. jelin

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    Lifetime grandmaster
    all issues completed

    3 Characters totals

    MAIN (dragon):
    100% main wheels
    62% augment wheel
    purple mnemonic werewolf (museum) - 42sec cooldown

    full QL 11 DPS and TANK set; full 3.6 aegis with QL 5+ capacitors
    tons of QL .9.5+ talisments and weapons + .9 raid gears

    SECOND (lumie):

    100% main wheels
    20% augment wheel
    full QL 10.9 DPS and TANK set; 2.0+ aegis
    some QL .5.5+ talisments and weapons + .4 raid gears

    THIRD (templar):

    100% main wheels
    full QL 10.5 DPS and TANK set
    some QL .4.4+ talisments and weapons + .4 raid gears

    Contact me in private if interested (FR /EN)
    [email protected]
    350€ - Paypal
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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