Selling [Selling] Grandmaster 2016 - Selling bnet account: 72 heroes, +200 skins, +150 mounts

Discussion in 'Heroes of the Storm Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Gela123, 10/10/23.

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  1. Gela123

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    selling bnet account with email for 15$.

    Grandmaster 2016

    Heroes of the storm:

    -Level: 1158

    -Heroes: 72

    -Skins: 200+

    -Mounts: 150+

    -Banners: 300+

    -Sprays: 500+

    -Portraits: 200+ (For achievements; Grandmaster, Master, Diamond etc.)

    Gems: 400

    I have a lot of legendary, rare and epic skins for heroes. Now Silver IV, so after 7 fun years I'm changing interest :)

    Thank you for your attention. You can dm me on discord for more info. My discord is AngelikaBlawat#1236 or you can dm me on Facebook./ig - angelikablawat. May the 4ce be with you!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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