Selling GoW ACC in K12 (SH21 near to T4)

Discussion in 'Game of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 2/12/14.

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    Hey Guy, I have to sell my GoW Acc because I got no time for the game since my new born son. SH 21 and most Mainbuildings ( include Prison HoW Altar and Academy are also 21) Only 6 researches are missing for T4 Troops!!! 35m Power (430k T3 Troops) Hero lvl 50 (include lvl 50 legendary equip) Many other Epic and Legendary Equip Some legendary Gems Gold lvl 24 (6k Gold also in the Acc) VIP 10 is over 40 days active Gold mine lvl 21 1m wood production per hour Many many items like Porter winged boots and more +++A Farm Acc on SH17 with 650k stone p/h+++ Think about 1000$ maybe Contact me at [email protected] sh21, gow, k12, acc
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