Selling Selling GoodGame Empire Lvl 70 Leg Lvl 1 Account UK1

Discussion in 'Goodgame Empire Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by BlueBearBaker, 6/9/17.

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  1. BlueBearBaker

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    ^ UK1 server, lvl 70 account, apart of Dogs of War alliance, top 20 alliance

    Castle in every Kingdom besides Fire Peaks, lvl 5 castles and lvl 5 walls, apart from one OP in Green...

    All OP's have upgraded bakeries and widmills

    Over £3000 invested in game, so you will be playing with a lot of upgraded advantages

    Contact me for more information, looking this account sold ASAP

    Up for offers, so whatever you think it's worth then let me know

    07763718855 Ring whenever
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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