Sold Selling Good PRICE [H] All Ti6 Cache Bundles [W] PayPal

Discussion in 'DOTA 2 Items for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by vaibhav_c, 5/22/17.

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  1. vaibhav_c

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    [H] Ti6 Cache Bundles [W] PayPal

    Selling the following TI6 cache bundles really really cheap:

    The Family Values Bundle -
    Oni Knight the Dark Conqueror
    Rising Glory
    Heir of Terror
    Iceburnt Elegy

    Every Cache for $5 for $20 for all.

    pm or add me to discuss, can trad
    e using a middleman from playerup

    clean steamrep
    :) 3 YO steam account

    you can add me on steam using the friend ID: 175066052 and on skype using email: [email protected]
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