Sold Selling Good DFO Account with 3 luke ready and 10 anton characters

Discussion in 'Dungeon Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by prey1800077, 11/27/17.

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  1. prey1800077

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    I am trying to quit this game because school is too busy and need money to buy some food when im hungry.
    I am looking to get around $500 so contact me through this website or my skype: kevin1800077 OR Discord: Jin#5828 and I will gladly assist you with any questions as quickly as possible and send you screenshots of my acc if needed
    price is #
    Here is what the acc has :

    Mlauncher: 5/5 radiant, 3/3 5 senses, babylonian, DKT, Silver watch, Giant Cannon Urban and Savior's Glory Hand Cannon
    MGrap: 5/5 Crow, 4/5 Milenium, 3/3 CP, 2/3 5 senses, pars, bismuth stone, Primary Impaction and Savior's Glory Gauntlets
    Msader: 3.6k vit - 20 souls to purchase savior's glory cross
    MMech: 4/5 metal line, milenium, crow, tact, full plate, mv (unlucky character with hella 4/5s), 3/5 Radiant, black formal 2/3 5 senses, savior bowgun, Ion Repulser
    MBrawler: 5/5 Spider Queen, 3/3 Sky set, pars, DKT, Savior's Glory Claw
    Soul Bender: Savior's Glory Short Sword, 3/3 anton accessory (structure, shape, remnants) 16 souls - almost 20 to upgrade 2 of them, Locke & Agnes stone, Tact set ready to craft 2/5 atm and luke ready
    Mexo: Chrons for both tortoise and passion chakra buff swap, mixed epics
    Fspit: Mixed epics

    Some random epics around the account: Kaiser has Recollection of water sounds if ever wanted to xfer
    32 Alts leveled at 85+
    7 Rare Avatar Sets on my account
    7 Characters with Savior's Glory
    I have 10 anton ready characters and run them on every raid days
    3 luke raid characters (currently in static except sader)
    All Level 85 epic fragments at past 100%
    Level 90 epic fragments at 65% ish

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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