Sold Selling Good account low price oco

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by REAPER55, 7/19/16.

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  1. REAPER55

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    I'm selling my archer tank and fk on one account. Fk has 2/6 s3 and 4/6 t4. Tank has full t3.5 scanner axes and shield. Not 600 craft though. Has most blue t4 for tank. Archer is 1/6 t4 epic. Has all blue t4 in chest. 5/6 s3 and also has 2/6 sin. Archer has scanners and bow is enlightened. He is 3-4 gemmed. He is pretty good. 6.3k gs. Thanks and im asking for 25$

    Message me at my line ID bestinthewest
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