Sold Selling Good account 17 5*(some of them already merged) cheap price

Discussion in 'Fire Emblem Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Gesoodra, 7/9/17.

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  1. Gesoodra

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    Hi everyone, i'm selling my FE heroes account, it has never been # or injected, i've spent about 200 euros for it and a lot of time, but now i don't have many time for it. I've a lot of top tier heroes, some of them merged, and some with optimal inherit skills. Here the list of my 5*:

    Azura +1(skills inherited)
    Xander (skills inherited)
    Reinhardt (skills inherited)
    masked lucina
    Ryoma +1(skills inherited)
    Linde (desperation inherited)
    Hector +1 (skills inherited)
    Julia (some skills inherited)
    Cecilia (skills inherited)
    Takumi (skills inherited)

    I have also some notable 4* like tharja, eirika, nowi, roy, marth, fae, and some good material for skills inheritance. I used to have other 5* but i fuse them for SI, like quick riposte on xander and death blow on reinhardt. I have all "time limited" heroes, castle is 100% upgrades and I reach around 4700 points in arena. Some characters have great IV, like +atk reinhardt, +atk - spd hector; but if you wanna know other IV my skill set... just ask me, like any information. Here some pics

    This account is connected to a dummy nintendo account, so i will give you the entire account.
    I'm asking just 55$, contact me for every info and offers. Payment by paypal, friend method.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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