Sold [Selling] Gold from first hands at Stena and Crazzian

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sorony, 8/17/20.

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  1. Sorony

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    Selling my own totally handcrafted gold. No cheats, dupe, mods, bots etc was used, only pack trading.

    Stena: 20k atm, 5.8$/1k

    Crazzian: 27k atm, 5,4$/1k

    10% off for a bulk (more than 10k gold)

    Delivery method: Mail, hand to hand or AH, if you prefer maximum safety

    Delirery timing: In realtime (after we contact in discord)

    Deal: Pepaid
    Deal protection: Split the whole amount to a safe parts

    Can do orders on a certain amount of gold, 25% prepaid

    Looking for a loyal customers.

    Discord: Peterson#8173
    Payment method: card2card

    A few words about proceeding a first-time deal:

    1. First, we will check techical posibility of payments with a test c2c transaction. Transaction value doesn't matter, even 1c will do a trick. When i get the a message from my bank (usualy it takes 1-2 mins), we can proceed.

    2. Next, if you wish, we will split all amount of gold to a few parts and do a serie of transactions until the deal is done. It's up to you do define every part size - it should be small enough to let you feel no risk of prepay.
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