Hello my name is john and i would like to announce the opening of a gold farming service by me a long time runescape player! now let me tell you about my runescape days iv had countless accounts, most of them from lvl 70-120. Iv all ways had a knack for making gold in runescape. Gold farming is safer and better way of selling gold, i log onto your runescape account and farm the gold my self not only making you gold but leveling your combat skills at the same time. You can even tell me which skill to use attack , Strength, Defence or Ranged i will be doing 1 order at a time to insure your order gets completed fast! the account must be 80+ for the start after a few orders ill bump it down i will be charging $4 us per million farmed which is cheap! my email and is ***************************************************** please email me or me with your order, dont post here! to find out where your order stands just message me i will happily tell you Vintage added 4 Minutes and 40 Seconds later...< --- Please use the edit button in the future--- > first order receives 1m gold farming for free! to prove im for real!