Hello. Here is a Golden Battle Axe Account I'm selling for GBNA. This account has some few rare avatars in it. The account has 550k left. And few avatars. Including blue phoenix and angry eyes. It also has a powercard running. It has 23 days left on it. The account has good stats, 95 winning rate. over 300 Avg hits. I would give you all the information for the account (Login ID, Password, Email, DOB). Here are few pictures of the account. I would sell the account around $40. If its over $50 I'll include you an non public bypass & aimbot for GBNA. If interested. Please add me on msn. ***************************************************** or pm me or post here ill get to ya. Thx Man i give you umm Wand? account for this and aimbot + bypass+ ragon knight # lol trading hacks for an account