Sold [Selling] GODLIKE LvL 55 Summoner, HM11, Attack Power: 1079, HP: 128.311, Gold: 283, 100 EUR sp

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by lucario1994, 8/13/18.

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  1. lucario1994

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    Region: EU
    100 EUR spent
    Server: Eisenherz DE
    Level: 55
    Class: Summoner
    HM Level: 11
    Gold: 283
    Attack Power (AP): 1079
    Piercing: 1012
    Accuracy: 3045
    Critical: 4762
    Critical Damage: 3462
    HP: 128.311
    Defense: 3322
    Evasion: 1775
    Block: 1512
    Achievement points:
    + Complete BT Soulshield
    + Weapon Raven 3
    + many rare Dungons / Events shop outfits
    + many rare and precious materials, as well as gold and pets (companion) Silver Tiger - Asterisk - Unicorn (Trove Event)
    + and and and .....
    Alt Character:
    Level 50
    Class: Soulfighter
    +a Few lower levels
    Summary: This account has a well developed character and an alt. Very strong Godlike account for both beginners and experienced players!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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