Selling Global (Terra osb , ok/tyro/celes bssb + more)

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by usedsocks, 1/25/17.

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  1. usedsocks

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    I will add more pictures, here and you can contact me and request pics at [email protected]

    Either way this account is older, and did miss some events when I became ill.

    Major Relics:

    Terra's OSB "Blood Sword" x2

    Tyro "Flawless Grimoire"
    Celes "Maria's Song"
    Noel "Meteor Javelin"
    Kain "Dragoon's Pride"
    Refia "Dance of Carnage"
    Terra "Blood of Espers"
    Ashe "Dusk's Decree"
    Serah "Moonfrost Arrows"
    Onion Knight "Vessel of Fate"
    Papalymo "Enochian Firaja"

    Terra "Magitek Fire Beam" (notable because it enhances OSB dmg)
    Yshtola "Aetherial Pulse"
    Ramza "Shout"
    Onion Knight "Onion Slice"
    Tons of healer SSB

    Yhstola "Stoneskin II"
    Tyro "Sentinel Grimoire"

    There are in general a lot of weapon synergy for realms in this account.

    I'm asking for about $75 price #
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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