Selling global seven knights account Account level: 32 6* units: Dellons, Ruri (lv36), Daisy, Alice, Bai Long, May, Ariel, Lina, Velika, Lucy 5* units: zhuge Liang, Shane x2, Ming Ming, Espada, Hellenia, Heavenia, 4* units: Xiao x2, Feng Yan, Soi, Nia, one 7k selector Costumes owned: Young Dragon costume for Bai Long Diamond queen costume for Hellenia and Heavenia Kendo Captain costume for Shane Rubies: 147 Topaz: 190 (5 days left of Pooki's lucky box for more topaz and rubies) Tower lv 73 Arena: 1800 Looking for $40 usd for this account, only through paypal thanks If you're interested, contact me on my kik or LINE =) Kik: Takarok LINE: Zalenhart