Selling [GLOBAL] Selling very high-end end-game FFRK account for 150$. (163 Stamina)

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SellingROAcc, 10/19/16.

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  1. SellingROAcc

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    I have 163 Stamina. Almost every single Normal and Elite dungeon cleared.
    Tons of great honed abilities, TONS of Orbs (I did dailies constantly), well over 40m Gil...

    These characters:
    These items:

    I run a very high-tier Magic team, with Dream Harp Edward, which is a magic version of Shout.

    I no longer have time to play, but this is a very good endgame account.

    As the title says, I'm looking for around 150$. Contact me.

    Email is [email protected]

    And a text list of notable 5*s.
    5* accessories aren't shown. If you need to see those, tell me, otherwise, this is it:

    SB 5*/6*:
    6* Gauntlet (VIII)+ (Zell's Meteor Barrage)
    6* Skycutter (XIII)+ (Hope's Brutal Sanction)
    6* Healer's Robe (XIV)+ (Y'shtola's Medica II) + 5* Healer's Robe (XIV) (Y'shtola's Medica II)
    5* Ichigeko (VI) (Shadow's Shadow Fang SSB)
    5* Orichalcum (IX) (Zidane's Shift Break SSB)
    5* Brotherhood (X) (Tidus' Spiral Cut)
    2x 5* Shadowblade (IV) (Cecil's Soul Eater)
    5* Demonsbane (Ashe's Heaven's Wrath)
    5* Blazefire Saber (XIII) (Lightning's Blaze Rush)
    5* Hyperion (VIII) (Seifer's Demon Slice)
    5* Sin's Talon (X) (Jecht's Jecht Beam)
    5* Sasuke (VI) (Shadow's Wild Fang)
    5* Blood Lance (IV) (Kain's Lancet)
    5* Wyvern Lance (IV) (Kain's Rising Drive SSB)
    5* Chainsaw (VI) (Edgar's Chainsaw SSB)
    5* Platinum Fist (VII) (Tifa's Burning Arrow)
    5* Paladin (XIII) (Snow's Sovereign Fist)
    5* Zack's Gloves (VII) (Zack's Air Strike)
    5* Guard Stick (VII) (Aerith's Healing Wind)
    5* Morning Star (VIII) (Selphie's Trabia's Light)
    5* Asura's Rod (IX) (Garnet's Leviathan)
    2x 5* Songstress Rod (X) (Yuna's Farplane Wind)
    5* Chocobo Brush (VI) (Relm's Portrait of Lakshmi SSB)
    5* Scorpion Tail (VIII) (Selphie's Rapture)
    5* Rune Staff (White Mage's Light Divine) (Core)
    5* Sage's Staff (V) (Lenna's Princess's Favor)
    5* Judicer's Staff (XII) (Penelo's War Dance)
    5* Braska's Staff (X) (Braska's Aeons of Wing and Flame SSB)
    5* Loxley Bow (XII) (Fran's Whip Kick)
    5* Artemis Bow (IV) (Rosa's Divine Heal SSB)
    5* Dream Harp (IV) (Edward's Song of Swiftness)
    5* Golem's Flute (IX) (Eiko's Emerald Light)
    5* Fabled Harp (IV) (Edward's Fabled Song)
    5* Mystic Whip (IV) (Rydia's Odin SSB)
    5* Valkyrie (VIII) (Rinoa's Angel Wing Bolt)
    5* Last Judgment Grimoire (Tyro's Last Judgment Grimoire SSB)
    5* Celebration Grimoire (Tyro's Celebration Grimoire)
    5* Valiant (VIII) (Irvine's Fast Ammo)
    5* Aldebaran (XII) (Balthier's Strahl Strafe SSB)
    5* Platinum Shield (XII) (Basch's Apocalypse Shield)
    5* Corps Field Uniform (XIII) (Lightning's Stormborn)
    5* Party Dress (VIII) (Rinoa's The Brothers)

    Shared SB:
    5* Celebration Blade (X)
    5* Gladius (XII)
    5* Thief's Blade (X)
    5* Diamond Sword (IX)
    5* Golden Spear (VI)
    5* Bladed Lance (XIII)
    5* Kaiser Knuckles (XIII)
    5* Metal Knuckles (VIII)
    5* Royal Scepter (X)
    5* Magus Rod (VI)
    5* Chain Flail (VI)
    5* Witch's Hat (XIII)
    5* Survival Vest (XII)
    5* Diamond Armor (IV)
    5* Tungsten Bangle (XIII)
    5* Bard's Bracelet (IV)
    2x 5* Warrior's Bracer (X)

    Non-SB 5*/6*:
    6* Gold Sword (VII)+
    6* Sniper (VI)+
    6* Diamond Sword (XII)++
    6* Empyrean Rod (XII)++
    6* Ten-gallon Hat (VIII)++
    6* Crystal Bangle (VII)++
    6* Silver Bangle (XIII)++
    5* Danjuro (XII)
    5* Spellbinder (FFT)
    5* Striking Staff (VII)
    5* Thunder Rod (IV)
    5* Goddess's Tribute (XIII)
    5* Evil Lantern (XIII)
    5* Hypno Crown (V)+
    2x 5* Oath Veil (VI)
    5* Gold Hairpin (IV)
    5* Defense Veil (X)
    5* Wizard Armlet (X)+
    5* Gold Bangle (XIII)
    5* Red Armlet (X)

    5* Excalipoor (V)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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