Sold Selling [GLOBAL] Selling KHUX account, top tier/raiding account, many guilted premiums

Discussion in 'Kingdom Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Helel93, 7/12/17.

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  1. Helel93

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    Hello and thank you for giving this post your time. I am selling my KHUX account mainly due to the fact that I no longer have the time to invest in ranking and keeping up with events. I have spent thousands in this game and had a wonderful time with my team and would hate to see it die down. So I figure I would try and sell it to pass it on to someone who can keep it alive and going. This account has a lot to offer in terms of guilted premiums and avatar boards. I will attach an image URL for those interested in what medals the account offers. If you have any questions please feel free to ask!

    URL with medal and account images:

    Days Played: 462
    Munny: 846,516,558
    Avatar Coins: 4387
    Medals Purchased with Jewels: 4094
    Avatar Boards Completed: 266
    Best Solo Ranking: 4
    Best Party Ranking: 1
    Best Coliseum Ranking: 200
    Album Completion: 92.8%
    Storage Space: 820
    Mickey and Brooms: 2
    Brooms: 3

    (Key Art Beginning and Sky have a roll ready and saved for guilt campaign as well as Sora and Pals)

    I am asking for $1000 through PayPal but am willing to negotiate for those who have a reasonable offer. Once I receive the money, I will give out the Facebook. account info. Thank you!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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