Selling Selling [Global / NA] 4* Starter Accounts

Discussion in 'Sword Art Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bokura, 2/13/17.

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  1. Bokura

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    I've done a good amount of selling on various games on here and I've just started to get into rerolling for SAO accounts (so selection is limited currently, but expect a lot of additions soon!) Please check my feedback for proof that I am a trusted seller. If you're interested in the higher tier chars I haven't rolled yet, be patient, they'll be coming soon and I'll match the prices that others around here are selling them for.

    Every account has used 25 diamonds at max and is rerolled by hand. I'll tentatively reserve the higher tiers I pull on a first come, first serve basis. All prices are # as well!

    In Stock Accounts:

    Account 1:
    4* SAO Strea: $5

    Account 2:
    4* SAO Agil: $5

    Account 3:
    4* SAO Philia: $5

    Out of Stock / Future Pricing:

    SAO Silica: $30
    ALO Yuuki: $20
    SAO Kirito: $10
    SAO Asuna: $10

    Wind Yuuki: $30
    Wind Asuna: $40

    If you're interested in things I don't have listed here, please let me know as I only listed the most popular!
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