Selling  Global  Average Selling global khux id (na) with godly power and magic medal 2

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts Unchained X Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by poyan, 8/22/18.

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  1. poyan

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    Account Detail:
    Level = 396
    1 CROWN (TOP 5 Lux Farming)
    Ranking PVE <= 2500
    Ranking PVP <= 7000

    Main Key Blades Build:
    (Mix) Stroke of Midnight +35
    (Mix) Fairy Stars +36.5

    (Power - Upright) Fenrir +35
    (Power - Reverse) Darkgnaw +31

    (Magic - Upright) Counter Point +35
    (Magic - Reverse) Diamond Dust +25

    Power Medal:
    Prime - Buzz Lightyear 7? (ATK B V Max & Lux++)
    Prime - Illustrated Axel 7? (ATK B VI Max & GA2)
    Prime - Mr. Incredible 7? (-)
    Illustrated Goofy 7? (ATK B IV Max & Lux+)
    Stained Glass #3 [EX+] 6? (ATK B III Max & Lux+)
    Stained Glass #4 [EX+] 6? (ATK B III Max & AP+)
    Lexaeus [+] 6? (ATK B VI Max & GA2)
    Hercules B 6? (ATK B V Max & Lux+)
    KH III King Mickey [Ex] 6? (-)

    Magic Medal:
    Prime - Illustrated Roxas 7? (ATK B VI Max & GA 1)
    Prime - Key Art #17 7? (Second Chance II)
    Trickmaster 7? (ATK B IV Max & GA 0)
    Illustrated Marluxia [EX] 7? (ATK B IV Max)
    Sora Art [EX] 7? (ATK B VI Max)
    HD Limit Form Sora 7? (ATK B V Max & Lux+)
    Master Xehanort [EX] 6? (ATK B V Max & GA 1)
    Valor Genie 6? (ATK B VI Max & GA 0)
    King Triton 6? (ATK B V Max & GA 2)
    Prime - Riku VS Roxas 7?
    5 x Prime - Riku VS Roxas 6? BOOSTED
    2 x Bob & Jack-Jack 6? and 1x Trait Medal
    Prime - Violet 7?

    Speed Medal:
    Xigbar B 7? (ATK B IV Max & GA 2)
    Sora & Simba 6? (ATK B VI Max & GA 0)
    Illustrated DiZ 6? BOOSTED (ATK B V Max & GA 2)
    Aladdin & Magic Carpet 6? (ATK B V Max & GA 2)
    Prime - Dash 7?
    Prime - Mrs. Incredible 7?
    Sora & Simba

    Unused SKILL MEDALS:
    ATK B V Max & Lux++ 2x
    ATK B VI Max & Lux+ 2x
    ATK B VII Max 2x
    ATK B VII Max & GA 2 1x
    Triple Threat II 1x
    Defense B III Max 1x
    Defense B IV Max 2x
    Defense B V 2x

    Blue Fairy Medal: (For evolve 6? to 7?)
    Level 4 = (5x) Level 7 = (5x)
    Level 5 = (8x) Level 8 = (2x)
    Level 6 = (5x)

    Defense Medal For PVP
    Key Art #15 6? (Triple Threat II)
    KH 0.2 Kairi 7? (Triple Threat II)
    Toon Santa Roxas 6? (Triple Threat II)
    Stained Glass #5 [EX+] 6? (Defense B III Max)
    KH II Cloud [EX] 7? (Defense B III Max)
    HD Zexion 6? (Defense B III Max)

    Slot = 1200
    Jewel = 2810

    PM me your offer.
    add me to my email: [email protected]
    if you want or PM me here.

    Buyer covers the fees, if any, including paypal fees
    Have a middleman if you want, but you cover any fees

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