Sold Selling [global] khux account - nearly 81k jewels - nearly 500 days played

Discussion in 'Kingdom Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jackridder, 10/7/17.

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  1. Jackridder

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    Hey Guys, i'm a very long khux hardcore gamer and i want to sell my Account (because I need some money).
    First: I collect some jewels to save up for a mercy falling price EX (never got it...).
    Top 10.000 at Coli is easy to reach. Top 1.000 is possible but not that easy to reach. On the link below you can see every guilted Medal I have. (If you are asking for I could upload some more pictures)
    Please show the stats here:
    My Price will be # at 600$.
    I'll hope you are interested by buying my account and sorry for the bad english (germans... you know).
    Also be prepared to trade with a clueless guy (I don't really know any trade procedure for accounts on this place)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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