Sold Selling Global BEASTLY rank 61 - 13 mil gil, lightning chiz cod, all tmrs. Whale!!

Discussion in 'FFBE Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DMXKrew, 12/27/16.

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  1. DMXKrew

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    Well, after thousands of dollars and an angry wife, its time to move on. This account has all of the best units, the best TMRs, and the best weapons and armor. It has over 400 star quartz, stacks of ETHER, all rank 2 espers, and can squash content without even trying. Do you want ATK 700+ units? Look no further. Want to be a REAL Gillionaire? 13 million gil, done. Do you want ALL event items and units going back to the beginning? Look no further. Maxwell? Black Cat? Lightning? Chiz? Cecil x2 Edgar x2? No problem. This account is also SAFE, never banned, legit, and RESPECTED by the community and . because as a whale I have helped by rotating friends for every major event. I crush at arena, I get friend adds daily, and Im popular and the account is fun and flexible.

    By buying this account you are buying a day one account that a LOT of work and love and money went into. This account was created the day the game went live, and has almost all great units except for a few, but has the capability to destroy any obstacle. Lots of fun items too, and random recipes, event goodies, etc.

    See the pictures, but:

    • RANK 61, 100+ energy banked.
    • Dual Wield, Barrage, Power of Creation, Dual Cast, Lunge Combo, Enhancer, Save the Queen, and more...
    • Glasses, Creepy Mask, Candy Basket, Black Cowl, Ribbon, BRAVE SUIT x2, GENJI GLOVE, BRACER, CHampion Belt, Hero Rings, Hyper Wrists and MORE....
    • Lightning, COD, Chizuru, Bartz, Cecil, Refia, ExDeath, Kefka, White Witch, Black Cat, Agrias, 2x Edgar (For Chain Exploit!), and more...
    • 400x Star Quartz, STACKS of all 6* Awakening, Holy Crystals, Sacred Crystals, ETHER, and more
    • All -aga's spells, ALL BAr-ra defensive spells, TONS of buff materia to create your powerhouse team!
    • LOTS of cactus and MANY boost pots and TRUST MOOGLES LEFT!!!!!

    Im honest and trustworthy. If my reputation here isnt enough, Im happy to jump on facetime, skype, or provide my 15 year Ebay and Paypal 100% feedback credentials to you as proof of my legitimacy. THIS ACCOUNT IS THE HOLY GRAIL, and I dont want to simply sell it, I want to pass it down to someone who will use it with honor and pride.

    ACCOUNT: I can provide the account info to my extra FB Account, or work with you personally to transfer it to a new email address easily. This account is respected and a friend of the community, and has been notable during many subreddit community efforts to dominate new content and trials by "rotating friends" out for people. This account dominates arena too. One-shot to #1.

    SOME ITEMS: (missing pic of brave suit and some materia - its all there trust me)

    PM ME IF INTERESTED - PAYPAL - Phone Call and Skype Okay! (I dont hide!) - I can provide all info and make you feel comfortable! - Total gauranteed transaction! Make me an offer!! :) XOXOXO HAppy new year

    - - - Updated - - -

    *FIXED Items IMGUR gallery link.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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