Selling Selling global account with 7 fes

Discussion in 'Crash Fever Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by knohai, 10/15/17.

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  1. knohai

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    Lv 62, with 15 poly (7days of memebership left), 8 mil bits, and 79 keys to use in locked quests (and a lot of other gifts in the gift box), there’s also 200k gp as well

    Fes :
    - Galois
    - Laplace
    - Kelper
    - Gauss
    - Heisenberg
    - Celcius
    - Leif (regional)

    Other notable units :
    - KOF Mai
    - Oda
    - Bugmax Troy
    - Bugmax Blue Happy
    - Many other perms needed to evolve

    For screenshots, negotiations, please pm me on discord Kozu#2579

    I think 90$ is fair? Please message me and we can talk about it. (only accepts usd PayPal)

    Also open to trades as well! (Schro, Maxwell, Hempel, summer units, faraday... offer away)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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