Selling Global account w/ pictures and details

Discussion in 'Brave Frontier Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 1/19/15.

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  1. Games

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    Selling Lv 99 global account. See pictures first. ( 9 pictures total)

    lvl:99 (almost 100)


    Gem:1 (had 19 till I transfered from IOS to Android)



    Arena lvl: Sage

    250 unit space

    Offer me on Skype :xodnddl90

    (A) = Anima, (B) = Breaker, (G) = Guardian, (O) = Oracle (L) = Lord

    [6 Stars]

    -Beast God Exvehl lvl SBB lvl 10 (A)

    -Inferno Swords Logan SBB lvl 10 (G)

    -Fire Samba Ranma SBB LVL 2 (A)

    -Holy Flame Vargas (L)

    -Wise Mage Elimo (L)

    -Ice God Arius SBB 10 (G)

    -Heaven's Bow Loch(G)

    -Gold Queen Rina SBB lvl 10 (O)

    -Blaze Guru Bran SBB lvl 10 (B)

    -Holy Blades Sefia SBB lvl 10 (A)

    -God Eater Lira (A)

    -Black Lotus Lunaris (G)

    -Mad God Narza (G)

    -Empyreal Drake Lodin (A)

    [5 Stars]

    -Kagutsuchi (B)

    -Protector Darvanshel (L)

    -Twin shot Rickel (G

    -Noble Thief Zelnite (G)

    -Hail Mech Reeze (A)

    -God Phoenix (A)

    -Axe King Mariudeth (L)

    -Ember Sage Fiora (G)

    -Spear Arms Raydn (L)

    -Lotus Ace Michele (G)

    -Havoc Queen Luly (G)

    -Lemenara (A)

    -Cavalryman Sodis (O)

    -Death God Lodaga (A)

    -Dark Seraph Ardin (B)


    How much are you looking for this account?

    MSG me on skype

    This account is Linked with my FB, so im selling it for cheap. MSG on skype and maybe we can work something out.

    Selling this account for real cheap!!! offer!!

    Fastest reply would be by email- [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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