Selling Global account lvl 58 4300+ every week

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MyNameWontFi, 7/20/16.

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  1. MyNameWontFi

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    My account easily hits 4300 in arena every week and does 350k+ damage to 99 drags per run. Normal CR score varies from 600k - 2m depending on which day.

    298 topaz

    38 Eileene (gold)
    36 Ace (gold)
    36 wu (gold)
    30 lubu (gold)
    34 Rachel + 1 extra 4* (gold)
    32 Dellons (gold)
    32 Rudy (gold)
    30 Spike (gold)
    4* jave

    BlazBlue heroes:
    2 tsubaki
    5 noel
    5 ragna

    Normal units:
    40 gipa (gold)
    40 bidam (gold)
    40 black rose (gold)
    40 yushin (gold)
    40 guan yu (gold)
    40 velika (gold)
    40 ruri (silver)
    40 nia (gold)
    40 Shane (gold)
    40 sieg (gold)
    40 Lina (gold)
    40 daisy (gold)
    38 Nezha (gold)
    36 Ming ming ( gold)
    6 extra 6* heroes
    1 leah (item unlocker)

    Loads and loads of elements
    Many extra heroes like leejung and copy of ming to be ranked up

    In bag I have 2 7k jewel selectors

    All gold heroes equipped with very good gear (and the correct gear)

    Pm me offers. Looking for 500$ o.b.o
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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