Sold Selling Global 7k End Game (40 Ace, Lubu, Eileen, Dellons, Spike, Rachel & a 30 Rin!)

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Getchu, 10/18/16.

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  1. Getchu

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

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    Server: Global
    Level: 53
    Masteries: Fully mastered
    Formations: Balanced/Offensive/Defensive Lv. 40
    Rubies: 836
    Topaz: 1868
    Gold: 4.8M+
    Keys: 2500
    CR points: 283
    CR 7k points: 450
    Hero Slots: 199
    Item Slots: 100

    Special Units (7K/Emperors/Lords):
    +5 6* Ace (40)(Gold)
    +5 6* Lubu (40)(Gold)
    +5 6* Rin (30)
    +5 6* Eileen (40)(Gold)
    +5 5* Eileen (30)
    +5 4* Eileen (30)
    +5 6* Dellons (40)(Gold)
    +5 4* Dellons (30)
    +5 4* Dellons (30)
    +5 6* Rachel (40)(Gold)
    +5 6* Spike (40)(Gold)
    +5 5* Wukong (30)
    +5 4* Wukong (30)
    +5 5* Jave (30)
    +5 5* Kris (30)
    +5 5* Kris (30)

    Regular Units:
    +5 6* Yushin (40)(Gold)
    +0 6* Yushin (1)
    +5 6* Xiao (40)
    +5 6* Bi Dam (40)(Gold)
    +5 6* Soi (40)(Gold)
    +5 6* Gwan Yu (40)(Gold)
    +5 6* Daisy (40)(Gold)
    +5 6* Aragon (40)(Gold)
    +5 6* Alice (40)(Gold)
    +5 6* Black Rose (40)(Gold)
    +5 6* Shane (40)(Gold)
    +5 6* Ruri (40)(Gold)
    +5 6* Velika (40)(Gold)
    +5 6* Ariel (40)(Gold)
    +5 6* Lucy (40)(Gold)
    +5 6* Karon (40)(Gold)
    +5 6* Jupy (40)(Gold)
    +5 6* Lina (40)(Gold)
    +5 6* Diaochan (36)
    +5 5* Diaochan (30)
    And other 6* units

    Many elements

    Many 7k items on heroes & in inventory
    Many 6* Jewels on heroes & in inventory
    Costumes over 90% collected
    B rank chest on the summon shop page (not collected yet)

    Items in Mailbox (Unlimited Duration)
    6* Hero Selector x 1
    6* Raid Armor Selector x 1
    4* Hero Selector x 27
    6* Jewel Selector x 1
    5* Element Selector x 2
    4* Element Selector x 17

    $500 B/O ONLY!
    PM me if u r interested!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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