Selling a pretty decent global 3 LD5 endgame account, used to arena speed cleave with it easily to G1/G2 weekly and c2/3 RTA most seasons played. Have a couple of nice 300+spd sets in swift and a few in vio. Haven't played on the account in a while, but have most of the older nat 5s (all 6* nat5s are fully skilled) and all the staple nat 4s fully maxed out (a ton of nat 4 dupes in storage). 377M Manastone | 119652 Crystal 91 nat 5s, 3 LD nat 5s (Celia, maximilian, rahul), and a good chunk of the past collab event units All guild buildings maxed and all important arena buildings maxed (only missing LD boosts and arcane tower upgrades). Many siege teams built for defense and attack to easily rip through G1 siege. Tons of skillups and upgrade fodder for 5* and 6* banked in storage. C/O: A/W: Not set yet Discord: albelrto