Sold Selling [gl] [unlinked] cheap - rank 40: 5k lap+10 tiks+6*s to awaken+loads extra

Discussion in 'FFBE Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Unnaturalsoul, 11/19/16.

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  1. Unnaturalsoul

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    Selling my rank 40 Global account with 5k Lapis + 10 Summoning Tickets + Tons of crafting materials & event weapons/armor.
    I am still logging on for the daily & many other mailbox items not yet opened, so you will have a nice extra gift upon logging on. (Check photo for how many unopened mails & still counting daily)

    Reason for selling: Going cold Turkey on an addiction to focus on other parts of life + Preset fund
    Cheap price too as it should make one of you happy :)

    Here is a list of all the characters with their respective ranking and level: (Can be requested in any other excel format)

    5*Vaan(80) 5*Artemios(80) 5*Kefka(80) 5*Tellah(80) 5*Lenna(80) 5*Rain(80) 5*Fina(80) 5*Golbez(80) 5*Lasswell(80) 5*Miyuki(79) 4*Cloud of Darkness(60) 4*Krile(60) 4*Cyan(60) 4*Anzlem(60) 4*Leo(55) 4*Rydia(49) 4*Hayate(28) 4*Edgar(10) 4*Penelo(1) 4*Shadow(1) 4*Shadow(1) 4*Krile(1) 4*Clyne(1) 4*Luna(1) 4*Bedile(1) 4*Terra(1) 4*Magitek Armor Terra(1) 4*Russell(1) 4*Lani(1) 4*Ludmille(1) 3*Kain(40) 3*Roselia(40) 3*Lenna(40) 3*Luna(34) 3*Shadow(33) 3*Zidane(30) 3*Zidane(30) 3*Artemios(30) 3*Locke(30) 3*Lani(10) 3*Freya(9) 3*Kain(2) 3*Kain(2) 3*Kain(2) 3*Vivi(1) 3*Penelo(1) 3*Maria(1) 3*Maria(1) 3*Sabin(1) 3*Krile(1) 3*Kain(1) 3*Kain(1) 3*Edgar(1) 3*Fran(1) 3*Fran(1) 3*Shantotto(1) 3*Shantotto(1) 3*Shantotto(1) 3*Rydia(1) 3*Clyne(1) 3*Luna(1) 3*Luna(1) 3*Exdeath(1) 3*Kuja(1) 3*Cloud of Darkness(1) 3*Cloud of Darkness(1) 3*Russell(1) 3*Galuf(1) 3*Galuf(1) 3*Lenna(1) 3*Freya(1) 3*Lani(1) 3*Lid(1) 3*Charlotte(1) 3*Charlotte(1) 3*Charlotte(1) 3*Alma(1) 3*Edge(1) 3*Mini Burst Pot(1) 3*Black Cat Lid(1) 3*Black Cat Lid(1) 3*Xiao(1)

    If any other lists or pictures wanted, feel free to ask.

    Auction style sale so bids put here please.
    Starting Bid: $10
    Increments: $3 or higher
    Buyout: Serious private offer and will probably be yours in an instant (Can guess around what I am looking for based on the auction price)

    Basis for the winning bidder will be in the following order:
    1) Good serious bid
    2) Best of first 10 bids (Get lucky if it is a low bid :) )
    3) Top bid after 10 days of this post

    All payments will be through Verified PayPal, sent as a gift.
    Upon payment received, I will link it to your Facebook ID (provide password) that you provide or I can provide the inquiry code.
    If you have a different means of transferring the account, let me know.

    Happy Thanks Bidding!

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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