Quitting game due to no more time to manage account 100% legit linked to facebook. account(will give dummy facebook. all info with purchase) Units Lightning x2 Noctis Ace Luneth Elza Dark Fina Cecil WOL Refia Tilith Santa Roselia Luka Seven Maxwell Agrias Snow Exdeath COD Firion Chizuru Bunch of all the other lower crappy TMR units id rather not list 1 by 1 BUT TONS! 13x small power pots 1x King Power Pot 6x Power Pot whole bunch of other assorted stat potions aswell 10 5 star trust moogles to instantly get any TMR you want instantly and more coming up by the end of the month TMRS Excalibur x4 Sakura fuubuuki x3 Gungnir x1 Maximillian x1 Aegis Shield x1 Ribbon x1 Minerva Bustier x2 Black Cowl x4 Save the queen x2 Romada Pistol x1 Lordly Robe x1 Bracer x6 Champions Belt x2 Magistral Crest x2 Twenty Sided dice x2 Celestial Gloves x1 Omni Rod x3 Viking Axe x1 Arshas Talisman x2 Cat Hat x1 Demon playerup.com x1 TMR abilities Hp+30% x5 mag+30% x3 Equip H shield x2 Dual Wield x3 Dual cast x1 Barrage x1 Blade mastery x3 Seal of destruction x2 Goddess Protection x1 Mentality x1 Dark Bond x1 Power of creation x1 About 4.5k lapis on android and about 2k+ on IOS( will change as ill be maintaining account till its sold)