Selling Selling [GL] High Level Aerith Supreme account with lots of cards and SP / MP builds

Discussion in 'Mobius Final Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Io9, 9/30/17.

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  1. Io9

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    Hi everyone, selling an Aerith account that I poured a lot of love into. Just to let you know, this is not a starter account so you can continue playing from the get-go. It has not purchased any bad magicites and has 5 weapon upgrade slots however, I can provide proof of purchase in appstore if needed. You can see more details below:

    Asking Price: $150

    Supreme Card: Aerith (4 copies with different unlock skills)
    Legendary Jobs: Thief of Tantalus, Hope's Guide, Unbroken Hero
    Normal Jobs: Hunter, White Mage, Samurai, Assassin, Red Mage, Dragoon, Dancer, Scholar, Rogue, Devout, Monk, Hermit

    Novice Hall Completed
    Normal Chapters from 1 to 5.2 Completed
    Hard Mode Chapters Completed
    Anniversary 1 and 2 Completed
    Lightning Event Maps 1 and 2 Completed
    Chaos Vortex Completed
    Limited Cards: All FFXIII Batch 1 & 2 Cards including Snow and Hope, most early acquisition cards including Undying.

    SP Level: 77
    MP Level: 51
    Growstars x22
    Extranger x12
    Mog Amulet x19
    Lots of MP Mats

    Card Slots: 200
    Card Bank Slots: 500

    Screenshots below:

    Please PM me here so we can start communicating.


    - - - Updated - - -

    Lowering the price to 100$ due to need!
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