Sold Selling [gl] fresh starter acct. Cecil & more [verified paypal member] no*inj.

Discussion in 'FFBE Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Zero58541, 12/10/16.

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  1. Zero58541

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    -Cecil 3*
    -Alma 4* (learns Altima)
    -Maria 3*
    -Sabin 3*
    -Gaffgarion 4*
    -Anzelm 3*
    -Shantotto 3*
    -Galuf 3*

    Couple bums extra to sell or fuse with


    -Fang 3*
    -Vanille 4*
    -Hope 4* (TM 15.0%)

    These are good for the current event to farm a lot of gears


    -King Tough Pot x1
    -Tough Pot x3
    -Mini Tough Pot x3
    -Gigantaur x13 (the big ones)
    Energy (354) yes that's correct this should get you quickly through the beginning stages
    -30k Gil

    **********As I said this is a (good) starter account. This does not come with lapis BECAUSE you cannot transfer lapis due to GUMI limitations, DO NOT believe it when a person sells a account with lapis unless they are injecting them for you.

    This is NOT a re-rolled or injected account. Dummy Facebook. account setup. I will forward details of the account info once payment is received AS GIFT!
    If it is sent another way I will return the payment.

    Between the Pots, energy and gil this should get you going right away.

    PM ME FOR PAYPAL EMAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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