Sold Selling [GL] Fresh Starter Accounts 5-Stars (Gilgamesh, Luneth, Lighting, Ect.)

Discussion in 'FFBE Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AsianObliteration, 11/30/16.

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  1. AsianObliteration

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    Sup, I have no life so i sit around rerolling accounts till i get decent ones... These are alright ones w/ 5-Star units

    Contact Me VIA Skype : hung_ha123 (for price negotiations, screenshots, and other Acc Info)
    or DM

    Payment : PayPal in USD - [email protected] (ONLY payment option: personal payments/friends, or family)


    New dummy FB-Linked accounts (w/ email as well after purchase)

    (no hacks... ain't bout that life)
    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____________________________________

    Sup, selling this account for $12

    5-star gilgamesh/golbez
    4-star bartz/feris
    3-star (2)Exdeath/Kefka



    5-Star Lightning
    4-Star Bartz
    3-Star (2)Exdeath/Charlotte


    Sup, selling this account for $5

    5-Star Gaffgarion
    4-Star Maria/Bedile/Agrias


    Sup, selling this account for $10

    5-Star Luneth
    4-Star Agrias
    3-Star Exdeath/Leo

    Sup, selling this account for $10

    5-Star Gilgamesh
    3-Star (2) Exdeath


    5-Star Gilgamesh/Lightning
    4-Star Agrias
    3-Star Exdeath

    Sup, selling this account for $30

    5-Star Gilgamesh/Luneth
    4-Star Medius
    3-Star Arc/Exdeath


    5-Star Lightning
    4-Star Garland/Exdeath
    3-Star Miyuki

    Sup, selling this account for $10

    5-Star Gilgamesh
    4-Star Sabin/Golbez/Rosa
    3-Star Exdeath

    Sup, selling this account for $10

    5-Star Gilgamesh
    3-star Kefka/Exdeath

    Sup, selling this account for $10 (UNLINKED AS OF NOW)
    5-Star Gilgamesh
    4-Star Zidane
    3-Star Exdeath/(4) Faris
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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