Selling Selling [gl] end game account with over 600 mythril

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Zugtar, 12/25/17.

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  1. Zugtar

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    It has 10 Usbs, 12 Osbs, 43 BSBs, and a ton of Ssbs. I have wall for tyro and Yshtola, and many reforged equipment with pretty decent realm synergy. 190 stamina

    I have enough in game resources for 12 11x pulls, so that's roughly $360 of value alone. My plan was to skip the remaining lucky draws, but chase after grand prizes on banner 3 and 4 during the fest, and the FF3 and FFT banners afterwards.

    I have 20 decked out characters at lvl 99, and many good ones at 80+. All of the nightmare dungeons have been completed, and I can beat the weekly content. I haven't invested much time in magicites, and I'm quite casual ast the moment. I have plenty of crystals and major orbs in reserve, but many 5 and 6 star abilities are adequately honed.

    I don't believe I've linked the account to Facebook.. I think it is linked to Google play because I've purchased gems numerous times.

    With the time and money spent, I believe the account is valued over $1000 USD. Price is #. I can provide screenshots or answers if you are interested in specific relics.
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    lmao 1000??
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