Hi there, I Want to sell my another Global Account with DOUBLE NOCTIS clean account, no # and playerup Rank : 30+ Lapis : 5k Linked account Notable units : - 2x Noctis [*6] - Refia [*6] - 2x Chizuru - Zidane [ Dual Wild TMR ] - Agrias [ Save The Queen TMR ] - 3x Jack FF Type 0 - Miyuki [ Sakurafubuki TMR ] - Medius - Lenna [Magi Staff TMR ] - 2x Luka - Exdeath - COD - Mercedes - Kain - 2x Cerius - Roselia - Xiao - Golbez - Celes - 2x Hayate - Leo - Alma - Tellah - Freeya - Amarant - Trey - Ingus - Faris - Mustadio - Gilbert - 3x Elle - luna