Sold Selling [GL] Clean acct Rank 78 Lightning & Luneth (good TMR) + most top tiers 4*

Discussion in 'FFBE Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by mqvpm, 1/15/17.

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  1. mqvpm

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    I want to sell my account. Rank 78, has been playing since global launch. This account also has all the event exclusive equipments like Vernard, Stellar Shield, Chirijiraden, etc. All TMR are aquired through macro farming ( check photo for proof)

    If you are interested, PM me and offer a price. The transaction will go through a trusted Middleman from this forum.

    Here is the list of notable units:

    Luneth (704 atk atm, atk pot maxed)
    Lightning (can reach 676 atk, atk pot not maxed yet)

    Chizuru (max TMR)
    Refia (has dual cast & Heavy shield equip TMR)
    Cecil (lvl 72 atm, max TMR, LB lvl21)

    Other noticable units:
    Maxwell (Power of Creation TMR)
    3 more Chizuru (blade mastery TMR)
    3x Miyuki (Sakura TMR)
    3x zidane (DW TMR)
    2x Agrias (Save the queen TMR)(poor man Orlandu after 6* enhancement)
    Gaffgarion (Bracer TMR)
    Karl (Seal of Destruction TMR)
    3x Ludmille ( for Dual Cast TMR)

    This account has most of the 4* and 3* base.

    TMR acquired:
    2x Dual Wield
    Blade Mastery

    Currently farming TMR:
    2nd Excalibur 17.5%
    Power of Creation 3.6%
    2nd Blade Mastery 9.8%
    2nd Sakurafubuki 11%
    Save the Queen 17.9%

    Here are the list of photos of the account.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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