Selling Selling [GL] 14 FES endgame account, many events, 41 bugma, Xmas Fermat!

Discussion in 'Crash Fever Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kongor, 12/30/17.

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  1. Kongor

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    This account is prepared to solo and farm just about all content available. Selling because I don't have time for this game anymore.
    The majority of event cards are bugmax, including some of the best farming units in the game (especially KoF's Iori). All ultimate wizards up to and including Yog are 15bug or better (abilities fully unlocked).

    Rank 139, 3mil+ bits, 400 poly, 296k GP, 550 max box space. Tons of plus, transcend, and skill-up apples. Gallery coming soonish.

    Schrodinger, Froid
    2x Turing
    Neumann, S. Mobius, S. Froid, Boole, Euclid, Fibonacci, Xmas Fermat, Neumann
    2x Kronecker

    Ranking tickets:
    Muramasa (bugmax), Gambanteinn
    Masamune, Gae Bolg
    Trident, Sha Wujing, Ame no Murakamo
    Gungnir, Caduceus

    Ranking units:
    Heighway, Apollo, Lancelot, Kenshin Uesugi,

    Other Notables:
    Bonanza, Lovers, Troy (bugmax), Kagamine Len V4X, Xmas Touka, many more I'm forgetting
    -All King of Fighter farmables bugmax
    -All Battle Cats farmables, 6* are bugmax
    -All Miku farmables, v3 is bugmax
    -Most event farmables (summer, school etc) bugmax
    -41 bugma total

    $120 USD via Paypal gift, or $140 CAD via e-transfer.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. Kirky

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    Hi still available?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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