Selling [Selling] Gil on Odin (EU) - Best Price

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Elfgamer, 7/28/17.

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  1. Elfgamer

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    I am an old crafter from Odin (EU) with a lot (600+ million in stock atm) of accumulated gil, so I decided to earn some money from selling it.

    Why would you buy through me?

    1. I earned my gil through crafting, I am a legit player so this is the safest way for you. I do not advertise in game, I don't do botting, exploiting etc. so when ban hammer hits those players I will be safe, and so will you
    2. I offer the best prices
    3. Discretion, I will never discuss anything about my buyers.
    4. Fastest delivery. After payment is complete GIL will be delivered in less than 5 minutes, providing you are online of course.

    Price list:

    5 million GIL = 6.99 EUR
    10 million GIL = 13,95 EUR
    20 million GIL = 27,85 EUR
    30 million GIL = 41,49 EUR
    50 million GIL = 67,49 EUR

    For larger quantities, we can talk about the price.

    How to buy?

    1. Add me on skype, button for that is on the bottom of this post. Or add me manually but be sure to search for my correct skype name: live:tapir.exy (need to include "live" part)
    2. Tell me on skype how much gil you need, make a payment (accepting VERIFIED PAYPAL-GIFT only)
    3. We will meet in one of the large cities where I will trade you the GIL. For larger quantities it is possible to arrange moving gil through market board item.

    tnx for reading!

    Be sure to play on EU - ODIN, because I can't deliver GIL on any other EU server.

    P.S. I'm also selling crafted stuff if you need something, we will discuss the price.

    Add me on skype,
    my skype name: live:tapir.exy

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