Selling Selling GET your OWN GEMS and dont buy to anyone else

Discussion in 'Smite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell - Cheap Safe' started by SmiteDarkGod, 12/4/17.

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  1. SmiteDarkGod

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    As you have read, I will teach you and give you all the necesary things to get your own gems and crystals, and almost every steam thing for even 50% off. And you avoid being scammed by the "purchase and then refund" method, by which almost all sellers scamm you. Which consists on buying the gems on your account and after some minutes refund it, leaving you with a debt that after a time bans your account.

    I have 2 prices:

    • A completely new account of steam + all the necesary things for $30
    • And you keep your current account but get the reducted prices there + all the necesary things for $50

    If anyone is interested you can PM me or add me on skype: Guillkpo12, also we can do 50% of the money first, 25% of the money during the process and the other 25% at the end, so you make sure you dont get scammed.
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