Sold Selling Gems Legitimate Seller . Smart Money ....

Discussion in 'Clash of Clan Old Accounts | COC Accounts Sold' started by Alfonso Yu, 8/4/15.

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  1. Alfonso Yu

    Alfonso Yu
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    Selling Gems Legitimate Seller . Smart Money . Payment 1st . 5299 - 6747 - 9952 - 6109 1200 Gems - 300 PHP 2400 Gems - 400 PHP 3600 Gems - 500 PHP 4800 Gems - 550 PHP 6000 Gems - 650 PHP 7200 Gems - 750 PHP 8400 Gems - 850 PHP 9600 Gems - 950 PHP 10800 Gems - 1100 PHP 12000 Gems - 1300 PHP PM lang :)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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