Unique owner +50 full pve gears (/w op enchants and high fusion boost) +30 accessories (/w scroll of despair and demir soul +3%atk) 3 stars senshis: fina, azusa and rita 3 stars pve starstones (most have +3% atk or critdmg, protector stones have eva +3%hp) all classes lvl 50+ (new class monk is lvl 36); main class is berserker lvl 57 all professions lvl 50 except gathering (lvl 47) 7 alts (for achievements and sales aid): 6 chars around lvl 50; some of them have rare costumes and good gear (i.e. lvl 50 set and +30 weapon) 15k+ achievements; 39k star points maxed out inventory space unredeemed VIP buff many fashion items 195k gold (+/- 140$); 99x astral crystals (20$ in game economy); 15k loyalty points, 27x costume reshuffling scroll, many unbound costumes, mounts, bags, mats and other items (worthing +/-320k or 220$ in the current game economy) Price: $399 via paypal Pm here or add me on discord Spectrus#4959