Sold Selling GDMO Omegamon acc with digis 15/15 tamer 70 level good acc+ good steam acc

Discussion in 'Digimon Masters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by gbx46, 5/29/17.

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  1. gbx46

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    Tittle says everything.Basicly we have the following
    Apocalymon bm unlocked lvl 99 with 15AT-14CT
    Omegamon AT14 And CT4 lvl lvl 92
    Eggs in storage: Gladimon4/5,Gomamon 4/5,Candlemon 3/5,Dorumon 3/5,PawnW 4/5
    Renamon 5/5
    Zhuqiamon 5/5
    Ryudamon 3/5 in cash warehouse.
    Jogress : 6x7 days in box,3x15 days,1day x2, digi aura box x1 7 dayz,HBU event x7
    Cash: 1,6T.

    Also it is steam bound so you will get those aswell:Steam acc with Rust/Arma3/Arma2+OA/Insurgency/G-mod/Premium accs.

    Town of salem has premium.
    Nomads has premium.
    Unturned has premium.
    SS of steam acc:

    Price: 30-50 euro PSC .
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