Account is a diamond wand, ranked in the top 40 in GBNA, 245k+ GP. VIP Class Low gold / 44 Ijji Coins but it's well made up for with avatars. 77% win rate. It's got all the event avatars like Skeleton, Clown, Jack-O-Lantern, World Cup, Easter No1, Easter No2, Friendship, Snowman, Cartoonist Pen, Grand Prix etc. Not to mention Observador, Blue Phoenix, Chief Hair, Phoenix, Golden Armor, Robot X, Pet01, Pet02, Pet03, PetAD and all the other avatar on equipment you'd possibly want. Not to mention rare avatars that only a few people have like .. Mace, Skeleton Sword and High School Band Not to mention all the cash avatars like ArchAngel II, Mr Sushi, Inca Set, Dios, Angel, Knight Symbol and more. 160 AVATARS IN TOTAL I'll post a full list if necessary. Comes with total access and everything you need to make the account fully owned by you. I realize I'm going to have to probably build some trust here to get a fair sale since this is my first post and all but hopefully we can get a good trade done here. Accepting payments around the amount of 250+ USD through Paypal. Contact me through the PM system here or post in this topic for sale discussion. Thank you. - AF1