I would like to sell my Gaia Online account, which has quite a few rare and semi-rare items. Tektek says it is worth ~3 trillion gold. However, I'm guessing that's not the most accurate measure, so I'm low-balling it. Possibly because I can't wrap my head around fish being worth that much. Highest valued items include: Ancient Katana, Chyaku Norisu scarf, Gogh Reed, 2x Seracila Pendants, Humans Bazooka from one of the Halloween events for some reason, and many others. Lots and lots of lower and middle value items that seem to make it up. I honestly have no idea how much this account might be worth or how to really determine that, so feel free to skype me an offer and I'll take the best one. I prefer Paypal for payments. Let me know what I can do to make you feel safe doing business. Looking forward to hearing from you