Sold Selling Full Epic accounts

Discussion in 'Dungeon Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by smallcup812, 7/18/17.

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  1. smallcup812

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    Battle Mage
    5/5 Millenium War Hero (Lv90 Heavy Armor Epic Set)
    +12 Amped Que Sera,Sera Happy-!
    Cold Princess Bracelet
    Capri Ember Necklace
    Sky Guide Ring
    2/3 CIV (Missing Bab Symbol, but I have Bridal Pearl)

    10/20 Anton Soul Frag

    5/5 Radiant Full Set (Lv 90 Light Armor Epic Set)
    3/3 Five Sense (LV 90 Accessory set)
    2/3 CIV (Missing Rosetta Stone, but has Agnes)
    +7 Refined Gleipnir (Lv90 Epic BroomStock)

    12/20 Anton Soul Frag

    + Many other characters with epics and stuffs

    Overall Lv 90 Epic Frag Percentage : 20~30 Percent.

    There are around 10 Lv90 Characters with valuable epics, but not full set.
    (DT, F.nen, Sader, F Sader, SB, SM (With saviory katana) )

    There are total of 9 characters who can actually raid.
    One of them is Chron holder.

    Please leave how much you can afford in the comment please.

    You can also discord me REEEEEEEEEE#7362
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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