Sold Selling [FS] Rank 180 End Game 8 Chev Swords Hades+Agni grids 124 gold moon 300+ rolls

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Segue, 7/11/17.

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  1. Segue

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    Selling account as no longer play the game much and not enough time.

    Taking paypal offers or open to using a middleman due to value of account.

    Will upgrade my playerup account for serious offers.

    Account has:

    ~960 +'s for weapons (need another ~40 to max out)
    Maxed out +'s for summons
    300+ rolls
    1 Gold Bar
    3 Sunlight Stones (SSR summon LB)
    21 Damascus Crystals (not ingots), soon to be 24 with current event
    124 Gold Moons
    292 Silver Moons
    336 Bronze Moons
    Almost all character skins. Only missing TCG skins and Vyrn Chronicles skin.
    All jobs and everything unlocked (obviously)
    First 3 DVD codes used. Can provide the rest of the DVD codes if required (for the Gold + Damascus Bar and SSR stone)

    7 MLB Chev Swords
    1 2* Chev Sword
    1 Cosmic Sword BAL

    2 MLB Gisla
    1 0* Gisla
    2 MLB Cerberus Order
    1 3* Cortana
    Full MLB Hybrid Dark Magna Grid

    4 3* Ecke Sachs
    2 MLB Xeno Axe
    3 3* Erichthonius
    1 3* Pallas Sword
    Full 3* Fire Magna Grid

    Wind / Earth
    Full MLB Magna Grids

    Full 3*/MLB Magna Grid (2 daggers MLB)

    All 4 Primarch Weapons
    MLB Bahamut Dagger, Axe, Sword and Gun
    All Gacha and Event weapons never broken down.
    Tons of random spare Event / Magna SSRs for foddering or weapon stones.
    Also a stash filled with random other primal / crit weapons like 2 MLB fimbuls, fenrir axes, baal guns / axes, old ecke sachs, old auberons etc.

    3* Shiva
    2* Lucifer
    0* Bahamut

    2* Hades
    0* Agni
    0* Titan
    0* Zephyrus

    3* Bonito
    0* Setekh

    MLB Apollo
    MLB Athena

    1 0* of each Fire, Water and Wind SSR Carbuncle (Prometheus, Morrigna etc.)
    2 0* of each Earth, Light and Dark SSR Carbuncle (Hector, Anubis etc.)

    All Gacha and Event summons never broken down.
    Tons of other random summons like 2* Thor, 3* Typhon, 1* Rose Queen, 1* Odin, 1* Macula Marius 0* Sethlans etc.

    84 SSRs
    VISA Zooey
    Dark Katalina
    Anila / Anchira
    Pretty much all top tier characters like Korwa, Summer Zooey, Lucio, Ferry etc.
    Song, Esser, Sarasa
    5* Six
    Song and Esser MLB pre-farmed and just waiting on Gold Bars / GW Farming

    Final Notes
    Account is basically 1 step away from being a fully completed whale endgame account - most of which could be done by using the 300 rolls to spark, using the Gold and Silver moons and ticketing another Gisla.

    Serious offers only.

    PM me and we'll discuss more in detail on skype or discord. Not releasing those details here for anonymity.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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