Sold Selling Fresh rank 2 JP/GL accts 5000 units one of every unit

Discussion in 'FFBE Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by tfischer23, 7/2/17.

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  1. tfischer23

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    Premium 5000 Unit accounts for FFBE JP and GL, on average will come with at least one of every unit. Your choice to fuse for TMRS or sell them manually or use our efficient account cleaning service that'll be done in minutes.

    Fresh JP accounts rank 2 comes with 5000 units $65


    see screenshots above

    Fresh GL accounts Rank 2 comes with 5000 units $100USD


    see screenshot above

    Services available:

    Pricing below.
    Min order for JP ticket service is $20

    $20 USD = 4 pulls (44 Units)
    $28 USD = 6 pulls (66 units)
    $30 USD = 8 pulls (88 units)
    $60 USD = 20 puills (220 units)

    $10 Account clean up for FFBE JP/GL (Sell all 3* and 4* units to reduce unit burden and quickly, takes only a few minutes for us to process your order on our end!)
    FFBE (JP ONLY) ticket summoning service 1 ticket = 11 units. Works with 4* Tickets!

    Attention Disclaimer Below:

    *Exploits were used to obtain these accounts with this unit account so be aware that use of
    exploits or cheats that are against the game's Terms of Service always carries a risk of having your account banned or temporarily locked.

    Disclaimer End.

    Additional Notes:

    **These exploit have been patched, but the accounts are still safe and will stay safe if you play safely! Follow the rules below to minimize the chances of a ban.

    -Do not show of trust mastery reward on units visible to other players, especially at rank 2.
    specifically, on your arena and companion leaders, do not show off.

    -When attempting to reduce unit burden. Make sure to sync to the server (connecting.....) after every sale of 99 units. Be patient with this process, selling too many units at a time may not process properly and you may see sold units return. This doesn't matter with fusion as it connects to the server every time after confirmation.

    -We take tremendous care when dealing with customer accounts and other sensitive information to protect our customers and we recommend changing your password after receiving your account or your services.

    Contact Information:
    Skype: terryfischer23
    Available time: generally 7am - 7pm GMT

    ================================================== =======================
    Payment Method: Paypal Only

    Please choose [I'm making personal payments / For Friends or family]
    If you don't have this option, please add a 5% surcharge for paypal processing fees. Payment and services can be discussed through direct message or Skype.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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