Selling selling fresh account lv 1 node 1 with legend/supreme 100% cheap not fake

Discussion in 'Mobius Final Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by hardiboy, 10/9/17.

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  1. hardiboy

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    i am selling a lot of account (fresh account lv 1 node 1)
    all id reroll from steam

    Supreme $15
    1.Neo X D
    3.lightning (not fresh chapter 3 done)

    Legend $4
    2.Last hunter
    3.Knight of etro
    4.balamb mercenary
    5.1st soldier
    9.mystic knight/mage/ninja
    10.ace striker
    11.heretical knight

    payment with paypal

    if interested can pm me or add my line id = Acien92
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