4* and 5* included. Only 250 MD spent on each account. And Weapon Guaranteed scout left untouched for all the accounts. Account #1 4* Raindrop Sakuya and 4* Princess Silica 8$ https://ibb.co/nP0fUQ Account #2 4* Blue Knight Eugeo and 4* Summer Alice 8$ https://preview.ibb.co/kQZeOk/Screen...917_064719.png Account #3 5* Asuna, 5* Sinon, 4* Little Lover Silica, 4* Maid Asuna + 100 Hacking Crystals 20$ https://ibb.co/fSLEOk https://image.ibb.co/iWzkUQ/Screensh...917_141950.png Screenshot below description.