Selling Founder account with 18/20 engineers unlocked

Discussion in 'Elite Dangerous Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Gymrat, 2/24/17.

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  1. Gymrat

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    I am looking to sell my Elite: Dangerous founder's account. Here are some highlights:

    - 18/20 Engineers unlocked with mats for some upgrades (only missing Lori Jameson and Bris Dekker; both don't really do many worthwhile upgrades)
    - Rear Admiral Federation rank & Lord Empire rank
    - Master/Elite/Pathfinder ranks
    - 1.9 billion in assets
    - 485 million in credits
    - Tons of skins with 2 different founder's decals (from Kickstarter)
    - Founder's World permit among other system permits

    Current Fully Upgraded Ships:
    - Semi-combat Trade-conda with upgraded FSD, loads of shields, upgraded gimbled weapons and everything else really
    - Asp Explorer with 50+ LY jump range when equipped properly & 500+ m/s boost
    - Cobra MKIII with 580'ish m/s boost for smuggling and fun (can go higher if you ditch shields and get some d-rated core modules)
    - Vette, can swap out weaps and optionals for FDL if you prefer. Kind of interchangeable minus core modules & shields, which are both fully upgraded with grade 5 mods (should be noted, I mainly used fixed weapons for the challenge but all necessary Engineers are available to mod gimbled/turret weapons if desired)

    - Random other grade 5 modules/weapons for other ships I currently do not have in my hanger but saved in case I wanted them back
    - Willing to point you in the right direction for finding rare mats, if I don't have enough for a mod you desire already

    I probably left out some important details. If you have any questions, shoot me a PM on playerup.

    I am looking to get a decent chunk of change out of this. I will use a middleman and verified Paypal users only. Nothing else. Serious inquiries only and only those who have money ready now. Make me an offer. I am happy to sit on this account if no quality offers come through. If you want to make a fair deal for the time and effort put in for all this, let's do business.


    ** The Vette (Yes, that's the chrome skin and you can kind of see a Founder decal there too) **
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