Sold Selling Final Fantasy XIV - Event Account [ Gametime]

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by KazuyaXL, 10/5/17.

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  1. KazuyaXL

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    Hey Folks!

    I'm selling a Final Fantasy XIV - A Realm Reborn - Event Account!
    Because I worked for the Square Enix Support for a long time, I was presented with an Event Account for Final Fantasy XIV - A Realm Reborn and used it for ~ 11 months.
    I'm an active player and use a different Account since 1.0 so I don't need this one.
    Hopefully I can make someone happy by selling him/her this unique Account.

    This "Item" I'm selling here contains the LoginID and the Password.
    This Account isn't linked to a Square Enix Account yet, so there's no registered E-Mail Address.

    Price: $500 / 0.12 BTC / 120 mBTC

    What does this Account include?
    - 1x Event Character on Lich (All Classes Lv 70 except Gatherer)
    - 2x Event Character on Lich (All Classes Lv 60 except Gatherer, Samurai and Redmage)
    ∞ Gametime (always 9999 Days)

    - Heavensward and Stormblood Addon included

    Infos about this Account:
    I recommend to rename the Event Characters if you intend to play with them.
    - It's a "Final Fantasy XIV"-Only Account. It's not linked to a Square Enix Account yet (so no access to MogStation until you've linked it to a Square Enix Account through Login in the
    FFXIV Forums).
    - The Event Characters haven't done any quests yet (no sidequests, no mainscenario).
    !!! This Account is unable to obtain Veteran Rewards because it has unlimited Gametime. !!!



    Looking for someone who is willing to trade via Middleman.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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