Sold Selling [Final Fantasy Brave Exvius]Fresh Accounts |Unlinked/Linked|

Discussion in 'FFBE Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by shadowdarth, 11/30/16.

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  1. shadowdarth

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    Hello Guys,

    I'm Selling some Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Global Accounts UNLINKED (A Linked High End account at the Bottom), contact me with a PM/Skype for any info or request. |

    ALL the Units that i Highlight are Top tier Units or very strong ones, there are also usefull units that i don't color up for their high roll chance.
    The Unlinked Accounts can also partecipate to the new Beginner Event to earn 5 Summon Tickets and some Lapis for more Rolls.


    Top Tier Units (Red Color): Exdeath , Cloud of Darkness, Bartz, Cecil , Warrior of Light, Lightning, Elza, Gilgamesh, Luneth, Refia, Tilith, Ramza, Delita, Dark Knight Cecil
    Future Proof/Close to the 6* Release(Yellow Color): Garland, Terra, Vaan , Firion , Kefka, Chizuru, Agrias
    Good TMR Units/Probable Future 6* (Purple Color): Tellah, Amarant, Lenna, Leo, Roselia, Kuja, Zidane, Kain, Celes, Golbez, Hayate, Locke, Garnet, Arc, Ludmille

    Accounts List (come of the accounts may have units levelled with daily/gifted cactus):

    1. Account I (Global Server) - Rank 5 (Fresh Account, Unlinked) !1x Cloud of Darkness 2x, Exdeath, Zidane, Ludmille, Roselia, Kain, Hayate, Leo|
    4* Kain
    3* Roselia, Exdeath (Lv40), Cloud of Darkness, Hayate, Zidane, Ludmille, Leo

    TrustMaster Usefull Units: Luna, ZIDANE, LUDMILLE, Leo, Roselia, Kain, Hayate
    Price 20€

    2. Account II (Global Server) - Rank 5 (Fresh Account, Unlinked) |Refia, Exdeath, Chizuru, Bartz, Firion, Amarant, Kuja, Artemios 3x, Kain, Tellah 3x, Lenna|
    5* Amarant
    4* Refia, Chizuru (Lv50)
    3*Exdeath (Lv40), Bartz, Firion, Kuja, Kain, Artemios 3x, Lenna, Tellah x3, Mustadio, Alma

    TrustMaster Usefull Units: Mustadio, Shantotto 4x, Tellah 3x, Alma, Lenna, Kain, Kuja, Chizuru, Bartz, Refia, Amarant
    Price 20€

    3. Account III (Global Server) - Rank 5 (Fresh Account, Unlinked) |Warrior of Light, Chizuru, Bartz 4x, Exdeath, Kefka, Celes 2x, Tellah 3x, Lenna 3x, Golbez|
    5* Bartz, Warrior of Light
    4* Chizuru, Kain, Celes
    3* Celes 2x, Kefka, ExDeath, Lenna 3x, Bartz 3x, Tellah 3x, Golbez, Kain 4x

    TrustMaster Usefull Units: Luna 2x, Shantotto 2x, Kain 4x, Tellah 3x, Bartz 4x, Golbez, CHIZURU, Celes 3x, Kefka
    Price: 25€

    Accounts SOLD:

    1. (SOLD) Account (Global Server) - Rank 2 (Fresh Account) |Bartz 2x, 1x Cecil, 1x Leo, Warrior of Light 2x, Terra, Miyuki| Sold to Legendius
    5* Warrior of Light
    4* Warrior of Light
    3* BARTZ 2x (Adventurer), CECIL (Paladin), LEO (General), Miyuki, Terra
    TrustMaster Usefull Units That i Didn't Mention: Luna 3x, Medius, Edgar, Miyuki
    Price - SOLD

    2. (SOLD) Account (Global Server) - Rank 2(Fresh Account) |Exdeath 1x, Garland 1x, Bartz 1x,Warrior of Light 1x, Zidane 1x, Terra, Leo 2x| SOLD TO kears
    5* EXDEATH
    4* Bartz, Warrior of Light
    3* GALRAND, LEO 2x, Kain, Zidane, Terra

    TrustMaster Usefull Units That i Didn't Mention: Shantotto 5x, Luna 2x, Edgar 2x, Xiao
    Price - SOLD

    Account With Progression:

    3) Account High End |Lv 27| Ifrit + Shiva + Golem + Siren, Story Cleared, ALL the Quests done on the First and Second Island 54/54, ready for the third island, White Dragon & Chimera Killed. Colosseum S-1

    This account is linked with a fresh Facebook. account, you will be provided with the fb e-mail and password + the gmail connected to it so you can change it after you buy the account.

    5* Cecil Lv 80, Vaan Lv 80, Roselia Lv80, Firion Lv 80, Kefka Lv 80
    4* Juggler, Golbez, Bartz, Chizuru, Fencer
    3* CLOUD OF DARKNESS, Amarant, Lenna, Kefka, Golbez x3, Hayate, Locke, Kain, Tellah, Celes, Lani

    TrustMaster Usefull Units That i Didn't Mention: Luna, Edgar, Shantotto
    Price: SOLD
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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